The COOLESTFortune Teller Ever

Introduction | Astral/OBE/ebook

Astral Projection- Book.

Successful Astral Projection to the space and universe.

By Sapphire.

There are many definitions of Astral Projection. Some experts claimed that it is an "Out of body experience" as described "OBE". And there are many methods to perform the skill. Some of the famous methods, such as "Silva Mind Control Method", "The Monroe Technique" and many methods that are published on the web sites.

But none of them are easy and efficient enough to use, and not to mention the fact, "They are confusing". And most of users can only get out of body experience (OBE) instead of a accurate "Astral Projection". (That allow you to travel further to the space and universe. With "OBE" you are still on earth.)

Sapphire has designed a detailed step by step, simple and effective way for you to visist the space and Universe for the beginners and also advanced techniques for the Masters.

Sapphire has over 15 years of successful Astral Projection experiences. It is a fantastic ebook (With full color, vivid designs) to read and real experiences and it is believed that this book could be the easiest and the greatest Astral Projection book ever pulished.

It is Twenty Four, Ninty nine US dollars per book.

It is a 6" X 9" paper perfect binding book, you can buy it at and, please click on this link to purchase it:

Enjoy it!

Or you can order at your local books store (Any bookstore or Barns & Noble, etc) And order from them, please give them the name of the book "Successful Astral Projection to the Space and Universe". Author: "Sapphire". And importanly, they will ask the book ID which is the ISBN: 1-4116-3887-5.

Or if you just want the texts (Of the book with no designs just the texts) email to you, it is Twelve dollars. Please click on the Paypal secure online payment.

Or if you want E-Book (Black and white) it is twelve, zero nine US dollars.

Click on this link:

All Sapphire's books in this link:

1. Successful Astral Projection to the Space and Universe.

2. Astral Projection to Reveal the Secrets of Heaven.

3. Sapphire's Astral Projection Adventures Throughout the Universe (Volume I).

4. Mastering Remote Viewing: (Remote Viewing, Third eye & Astral Projection).

Coming attrations:

"Astral Projection to reveal the secrets of Heaven." and "Astral Projection to see Spirit world." and etc.

And you can join Sapphire's-Paranormal-Forum.

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